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Innovation: riding the rapid

Dyson x Rapid-Prototyping

Innovating your next product, packaging, digital asset, system or service? A prototype is an essential way to build and test your concept, as well as providing a basis that you can learn from. Your prototype will provide you with an understanding of the attributes and features that your target customer/consumer desires…ideally fast!

“You have got to create a working prototype, as everything looks great on PowerPoint.” Elon Musk, 2012 CalTech Speech 14:15m

Sir James Dyson, invented the most internationally recognisable vacuum on the market today. Dyson's creative process in developing the bag-free cyclone technology led him to develop 5,127 prototypes. Dyson now a 5+ Billion business and dominates several product categories, however it should be noted that he and his family endured a long journey challenged with significant financial hurdles and narrowly avoided bankruptcy. Despite such a high volume of prototypes, Dyson’s process can be summarised in five steps.

1. Initial draft sketch of the idea

2. Idea translated into a concept

3. Concept prototype to enable conversation, assist development of an industrial prototype

4. Further prototypes to assist shape, colour etc

5. Industrial prototype to assess the experience with the target customer/consumer

If running a multi-decade process like Dyson is not for you, then rapid-prototyping might be the preferred option.

Rapid-Prototyping is entrenched in iterative development frameworks such as agile, where teams run sprints (focused work session) to ideate, prototype and test concepts with customers or consumers in a very short time frame. The sprint is aimed at generating feedback to assist development of a minimum viable product (MVP) that can then be launched and pressure-tested in the real market environment.

Speed-up & level-up the quality of your Innovations! eutopos consulting leverages its experience to structure and execute Ideation, rapid-prototyping and customer/consumer validation sprint workshops that deliver concepts which transition to market leading products and businesses. Make contact today

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